By: Paul Kitchen
Five things to know about a custody evaluation #3. Put your best foot forward, but be yourself
Don’t try to be something you’re not, because most of the psychological tests have validity scales; essentially it has ways of determining if you’re trying to be perfect. No one expects you to be a perfect parent. You just need you to be a “good enough” parent. In fact, the psychological community did a lot of research on how to be a perfect parent. The final conclusion from all of the research that was undertaken is that there is no such thing as a perfect parent. Now we refer to “good enough” parenting. Are you good enough as a parent to provide for your child’s emotional, social, economic, and financial needs? If you have depression or have had depression or anxiety in the past, acknowledge this fact and explain how you are dealing with it through either medication, therapy, or combination of the two. Being honest reflects better on your character and the fact that you are acknowledging an issue and dealing with it in an appropriate manner reflects upon your judgment in a positive way